Are your Big Data Science and AI initiatives running as desired? No? You might be facing […]
Wir freuen uns total, dass uns der TV Sender “Baden TV” um ein Interview zu Bundestagswahl […]
Twitter Analyse der Bundestagswahl Teil 3: TV Duell, Fünfkampf, Spitzenkandidaten, Effekte “Was bringt das TV Duell […]
Twitter Bigdata Analyse der Bundestagswahl Teil 2: Berichte und Deutung -> Artikel Serie Teil 1: Technik […]
Twitter Analyse der Bundestagswahl Teil 1:  Technik und Motivation Inhalt Wie funktioniert die Bigdata Bundestagswahlanalyse? Zusammenfassung […]
We are proud to announce our latest Big Data App the “” We have utilized our […]
We were really thrilled to be selected for a talk at the eTravelWorld.Thereby, we showed how […]
Our product video for STAPPZ has finally arrived. We are thrilled and curious to see how […]
Just uploaded an older project from us to GitHub ( This tool is used to advance […]