Top 5 ways how Smartphones and Big Data help to fight the Coronavirus
Big Data and Smartphone apps help to limit Coronavirus infection chains. Here we show the top 5 ways how smartphones and Big Data Science helps to fight the Coronavirus pandemic.
Third party data from already existing apps is a shortcut for Coronavirus geotracking. We discuss which companies have data and discuss different integration solutions.
Coronavirus geotracking Apps of GPS and WiFi Signals, Time Series Databases and Analysis can be used to break infection chains. We show how it works and which privacy possibilities exist.
We discuss the best technologies and strategies to help airline e-commerce in the battle against the post COVID-19 airline recession.
Coronavirus apps enhance social distancing. We describe how to build privacy compliant Coronavirus Bluetooth tracking Apps with Blockchain and open standards.
Mobile providers have data which cell towers are received by a smartphone. With Big Data Analytics this data can give insights if most people stay home to optimize controls and restrictions.
We discuss how mobile provider Big Data and Time Series Database based Analysis can support the containment of Covid-19 and reveal an concrete implementation guide.
Big Data and Data Science are often mentioned together. Alternatively, it is even referred to Big Data Science directly. Here, we briefly describe where the approaches profit most from the other.
Time Series Databases - The super Dragon. They score with massive paralell scaling and defeat Data Warehouses. They burn the relational competition away with special Time Series query capabilities.
Open source Time Series Databases (TSDB) essential for Big Data Analysis. We compare the shortcomings of Data Warehouses and relational Databases to TSDBs.
What are Time Series Data Models and Time Series Analysis? We compare Time Series Data Models to ordinary relational and more sematic data models.
Big Data analytics are a set of concepts and characteristics of processing, storing and analyzing data […]