Personal cars are not an efficient means of transport as they cause 11 times as much congestion compared to a bus ferrying passengers during rush hours.
Public transport happens to be right at the heart of professional growth for a huge percentage of people in all countries. So what is public transport?
This article looks at why it makes sense to use sensor data analytics in public transport.
Thanks to the advancement of technology, transport data collection methods have evolved so much. Here's how they look like then and now.
Can blockchain make a difference in public transport? We find out from research literature.
Behind the day-to-day operations of public transport are the public transport workers, who have been hit hard by Covid-19.
Public transportation, especially in some cities, is a nightmare but for some, a timely solution has come in handy and that is GTFS.
Kenya's transport landscape doesn't bear much resemblance to the conventional ones. Could this influence the data analysis of Kenya's transport system?