Are most businesses actually having a Data Swamp or a Data Lake?
Neural networks are a subset of Machine learning and are at the heart of Deep learning algorithms
The rise of AI and new advancements in Machine Learning in image recognition, neural network, speech recognition, object detection has accelerated the growth of Artificial Intelligence
In the 21st century, as data grows and diversifies, many organizations are finding that traditional methods of managing information are becoming outdated
In every business or organization, Data is fundamental to its decisions. A company's ability to gather the right data, interpret it, and act on those insights is often what will decide its level of success
Stream processing technology allows users to query continuous data streams and detect conditions quickly and effectively.
In this article, we will discuss what Complex Event Processing is and how it is used in Big Data stream processing for any applications related to Big Data.
In this article, we discuss how Random Forest differs from Active Learning Random Forests, its comparison and how they can be used for Big Data analysis.
Data is now more than just a simple array of binary numbers in a computer system.
Online learning is an approach used in Machine Learning that ingests sample of real-time data one observation at a time.